Price Decline Map

This map displays the decline in median sales price from the peak in 2022. Check the other tabs for county level data and price-per-square-foot (PPSF) data.

All metros with a decline greater than 0.5% are included and are colored based on the size of the decline. To see the underlying data, simply hover over any of the metros that are highlighted.

If you’d like to support me on my quest to plumb the depths of real estate data and update these visuals more frequently, I’d appreciate it! Tableau is expensive.

The underlying data for this visualization comes from Redfin Data Center.

  • I also filtered the data to counties and metros with > 50 active listings, because there was a lot of noise under that level.
  • County level data is still pretty noisy because some counties are very small.
  • Hope this is useful!